


Alright, not exactly that but recently I found out that there is a blog that directly, I emphasize directly copied one of my post and even have the nerve to put the same description (albeit a little modification) like mine in the About Me section.

My God, at least have some intelligence to modify it so that it would not be THAT obvious.


Let me show you the post copied by the COPYCAT.

Have a look at my post and compare

If that is not considered directly copying then just ignore me

However, the COPYCAT did make me laugh though

Look at the description in About Me section

Compare with my description

Now, tell me that is NOT my description at all

GOD, please forgive the COPYCAT for he/she is ignorant


Anyway, drastic times call for drastic measures

I am forced to do this


every time *YOU copy from




the following will happen

Yep, A kitten will be eaten ALIVE


it is all *YOUR fault

###Note: The * is referring to those who copy without consent..=p###

Thank You for reading till the end of my ramblings.

*** I realised that I can't be contacted since I did not reveal my email address here. OMG, it is my fault then. Wait, even if I don't have my email address here *you can always put a comment. So it is not an excuse.

In order to not make it an excuse, I have included my email address on the left side just under the About Yours Truly descriptions. There and NO SPAM please. =p***


  1. Hahaha! It's your long-lost Indian twin!

  2. muhahaha....INDIAN...!!!!

  3. Probably that guy doesnt know what to type, just copy and edit. haha!=)

  4. sweat. this guy is seriously whacked. is he like .. cannot-write-but-wanna-blog or something ?? or maybe its because your blog is too interesting therefore targeted ?? hehe.

  5. Wah.. your blog must have impressed him so much to the extent he wanted to have one just like yours, even your profile too..haha..(un)lucky you...

  6. You must be pissed off with tat indian guy down~~ hahaha..ermm i think is like tat one when is on 'NET'...ppl copying from each other..even got cases such as ppl using other ppl pics and that is her/him..=P

  7. Copy bulat-bulat, at least change something before copy lah~

  8. You should be flattered! :D

    Seriously! :D

    Comment on his/her blog, and let's see what happens~~ :P

  9. oo.. poor you..
    this means you famous lo got ppl copy your post..

    oops Indian.. !

  10. joyfulchicken: LOL... definitely not...

    LukXiuFung: So, everytime anyone copy anything, a kitten will be eaten... =p

    VaNeSsa: Suppose I think... =p

    levian: More likely that my post is less likely to get noticed, so easy target.. =p

    YozoraNiteSky: My profile impress people eh... Well, that is a first.. =p

    -et3rnal- : Not exactly pissed but I did find it funny the way the description is changed

    Edward: Ya loh. Exactly... So obvious

    宝茹: Comment already but no respond.. =p.. Not going to put his link up...why direct traffic eh... =p

    keeyit: Famous? Far from it.. =p
    Suppose kena copied cuz I am an easy target... unknown mah,.. =p

  11. whhahahahah!! i can tell that this guy seriously has talent!

    he event copy the random picture of the day O_O

    errm...well, at least he know how to change the MALAYSIA to INDIA ^^

  12. Poor cat.... Well, i guess its kinda balanced now. Every time someone copies your stuff, there will be almost always have a newborn kitten... I know coz I tried copying your writing style before.
    heh =D

  13. yipguseng: LOL...talents indeed.

    3POINT8: Oh, the ying and yang thingy?

    Hmm, I have writing style?? Cool, never knew that./... =p

  14. joyfulchicken: Hahaha! It's your long-lost Indian twin!...haha..thats so funny


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