Check If Your Shits Are Healthy
***Note*** Someone emailed me this illustration of how to check if your shits/feces are healthy or not which I think is hilarious. Sort of. Credit to the original illustrator whoever you are. Maybe it is just my sense of humor since this is considered serious stuff, sort of but I do really finds that the illustration is damn funny with the explanation on how to check whether your shits/feces are healthy or not. Here, the illustration. Healthy Shits/Feces Checklist Now, a text version where yours truly will try to comment on the quotes from the illustration. All in the name of HEALTH yo. "The best feces are like bananas." (Oh yeah, remember to have a good look at your shit/feces and compare it to a banana. You are in trouble aka deep shit if it looks like a durian. ) "They are modestly hard with no strong smell." ( I am not sure about you but for me, its kinda disturbing trying to smell your own shit/feces and also trying to determine the hardness of your shit/fe...