Ghostly Presence

Ghosts, Demons, Devils and the like. Do they really exists?

I have my so called encounter with the supernaturals before, although all the time the encounters are quite vague with no definite visual encounter but more to the spiritual side.

People are fascinated and intrigued by the supernaturals, at least I am. Growing up in a multiracial environments means that I am exposed to the supernaturals of different cultures. Ghosts of different races yo.

Now, that got me thinking. If there are ghosts of different races, then there should be ghosts of different religions. Correct? If so, then what if there is this exorcist who uses the Christian way of repelling ghosts but it so happened that the ghost is a Muslim ghost or even a Buddhist ghost. What will happen then? The ghosts laugh back at the exorcists?

And that leads me to more thinking. Since there are many religions in this world and each religion states that those who doesn't believe or have faith will burn in the fiery fires of HELL. Then, that means all of us are going to HELL anyway. For the fact that, the non-Christians goes to Christian Hell, the non-Muslim goes to Muslim Hell, and so forth. In the end everyone sure goes to HELL. Correct????
(It's a joke, don't start preaching on me now. Bless you)

Coming back to the focus of this post. I know I have diverted for a while there. The typical ghost story would revolve around someone died then that someone comes back and haunt the place where they died. Then there are stories of ghosts killing people who trespass their "territory". Since if ghosts are spirits of people murdered or died because of some bad people then why kill the innocent. If the ghosts are THAT powerful then go find those who do you wrong. Haunt the place for what.

Maybe that is why at certain places when people takes photograph, at times they capture the supernaturals/spirits. That my dear Watson is the focus of this post. Ghostly Presence.

Been googling around for ghost in photographs and found some. Is it authentic or edited? The followings are some pictures that I think are fake.
(credit to the author whosoever you are)

Same Ghosts?


The followings might be just authentic. After the pictures, there will be a picture that is taken by yours truly which might also shows something supernatural.
(Suddenly I feel a sudden chill and got goosebumps all over when I posted the pictures. Darn. Spiritual sense? Me spidey sense must be working extra hours today)



Now for the grand finale of this post. The picture taken by yours truly. Only watermarked and not edited in any way whatsoever.

Before that a little bit of the story that has been circulating around from a friend of a friend of a friend. At the room where the picture is taken, there is this story of a girl who died while playing online games. She played with her friends together in the room for 7 days and 7 nights straight. She was discovered lifeless with her hands glued to the mouse after the gaming spree by her friends.

Ever since that fateful incident, at times during the silence of the night. The furious clicking sound of the mouse can be heard. There are several claim by different parties that they can actually see vague apparitions at certain times.

Nothing beats the story where it is said that the spirit of that girl appears smiling in a photograph taken when a group of four friends plays online game together and took a picture in that room.

Four brave friends of mine wanted to test the so called true story hence we tested it. Four people played online game for hours and when they are done, they pose for a picture taken by yours truly. When we see the picture taken, to our horror, we saw a blurred apparitions of a girl smiling at the back. See for yourself.

(Please proceed no further if you don't want to have nightmares for years to come)

The original picture
not edited in any way except
for the watermark



  1. what a wake up post !! *shivers* write this kinda post again n i will not visit anymore !! *threatening cometh* :p honestly, i only read through the texts, n scrolled as fast as i can through the photographs. *sweat*

  2. the hell! tat's not taken by u!!

    these kinda spirit thing,
    宁可信其有, 不可信其没

  3. Picture shots of ghost coming from a person who post photoshop tutorial?

    Gee, your credibility just went down to zero..

  4. levian: Hahahaha, I really have goosebumps when posting the pictures...

    yipguseng: The last picture really taken by me. Heh heh heh

    3point8: But but but I did not edit the last pic.....=p

  5. I suppose to laugh? :P

    There seems to be a joke, but I can't see it from other people's reactions. :P

  6. eeeeeeeeeeee...i know that place!

    Let's pray that the girl's soul will find her way back to heaven...she looked young...unless she was photoshopped into the picture.

  7. 宝茹: I think only you get the point of the post. I did not edit the pic but actually the pic was taken when my friend was waving at the back thus creating the blurred image. Then idea struck that I should make a post. A funny post that seems to be not funny... =p

    Caca: Definitely not photoshopped... =p


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