Left Brain or Right Brain Test

Came across this at Boonage. Quite interesting.

It is a test to see whether you are left brain user or right brain user or both.

Look at the picture of a spinning girl below. She is spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If you see her spinning clockwise then you are using more of your right brain.

If you see her spinning anti-clockwise then you are using more of your left brain.

If you focus more and finds that it spins the opposite side means that by focusing, you can use the other side of your brain.
(This is not stated at Boonage but this is what I think. =p)

So, what does right brain or left brain indicates?



uses logic

detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies



uses feeling

“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

I am a left brain user but when I focus, the girl will spin clockwise which means I can use my right brain also, correct?

So, that means I use both sides of my brains

In conclusion, I use my brain.
(Doesn't need a rocket scientist to guess that)

So, which side of your brain that you use most of the time?
(Of course I know you always use your brain, I mean WHICH side? =p)


  1. I see that the girl has a nicely shaped body. Am I thinking with the wrong head? :-D

  2. I keep looking, only see her turning to the right wor... Does that mean my left brain DEAD?!?!?!

    joyfulchicken's comment is hilarious.... At least we know your hamsap brain is working. Wukakaka

  3. I am using my brain..coz i see both..hehehe =P

  4. ohoh...i've done this before...focus on her legs and u can choose to see her turn either direction at will. When I first saw this, my mind was literally blown away!

  5. hmm .. no matter how hard i look, n which part i look, she still turns clockwise. i've got no left brain !!

  6. ooo.. I have done this before too.. I see both actually

  7. joyfulchicken: Nope, not wrong cuz it is exactly that. =p

    Princess Eileen: That means you are more to the emotional type I think.

    -et3rnal-: Heh, ya... =p

    3POINT8: Don't know whether this is correct or not...Hmmm, maybe the pictures been altered to randomly spin. =p

    levian: No worries, try to see it again at another time. =p

    keeyit: Great.

  8. Nono, it doesn't randomly spin.. This is a very clever optical illusion which works both ways.


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