Pork Floss Spring Roll

Greetings, This is the resident chef of BenardCometh Revelations making another round of appearance again after a long absence. This post supposed to be created before the Chinese New Year so that the Pork Floss Spring Roll can be served to those visiting your house during Chinese New Year. DIY yo. Anyway, the Pork Floss Spring Roll makes perfect snack to be eaten any time of the day. Now, I am going to show all of you how to make the Pork Floss Spring Roll yourselves. The ingredients needed are: Spring Roll Pastry Egg White Pork Floss First of all, separate the egg yolk and the egg white as you are going to use the egg white only. There are a few ways to do this, I will leave that to your own creative imagination. Take out the spring roll pastry and separate em sheet by sheet. The Spring Roll Pastry Spring Roll Pastry Sheets The Spring Roll Pastry sheets are highly customizable depending on your preferences. In this case I cut it into square sheet pieces. Proceed to put some pork fl...