Good Photography is Not about the Gear, It's About the Story

Yeah right.......

With out proper gear, how can one tell the story efficiently? Only with a decent gear can one tell a good story.

That being said, a good gear will enable you to tell a better and efficient story. Kapish?

This guy here mentioned that with just mere Iphone, he can capture a photo worthy of a story.

So, the gear doesn't matter eh?

Try to see if at that point of time you got a Nokia 7650 (the first nokia camera phone) and take the same photo. Would it still describe the same story?

Not about the gear.... Yeah Right...

Yours Truly says, it's about the gear and the story and the luck..... Kapish... =p

And by the way, Iphone costs around RM3K here.

One can get even a Nikon D3100 with that kind of pricing.

Not about the gear my fragrance bottom.... Ahem~~~


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