Credit Cards, either you love it or hate it or maybe a love and hate affair. There are pros and cons of using credit cards but ultimately it depends on the users themselves how their credit cards are utilized. Anyway, I reckon guys would have more credit cards compared to girls not because guys earns more but because guys are easily seduced or coaxed in applying for credit cards regardless they will use the cards or not. I believe most of you have already experienced being approached by the credit card sales team and basically knows how they sell the cards or influence you into applying for one. Nowadays, it is more to seduction or pity tactic to coax you into applying for the cards. When they cannot influence you into believing that the cards will be of tremendous benefits to you, they will resolve to pity tactic as in asking for help to fulfill their quota in a pitiful manner. And most of the time they know how to choose their victims. Like I said, guys are more easily influe...