
Of all the sports in the world, I think Football or also known as Soccer can be considered the most popular. Heck, some extreme ones even take it as religion. To them, football or soccer is everything.

To be honest, I am not much of a football fan. I don't have any favorite team and I definitely doesn't see the idea of 22 people running around in a ball frenzy. Obsessed with balls so to say.
(No offense, Football fans/fanatics)

However, judging from the amount of attention the sport gets all over the world. There must be something there to attract all those people. Don't even get me started on the World Cup thing. Whenever it comes to that particular time (World Cup), it's like all hell break loose. All 9 levels of hell.

So, since the whole world is football crazy. Might as well join em rite?

Anyway, at times I find the sport quite disturbing. Why, you ask?

For reasons like the following:


Promising position?




Just how GAY is that?

That is one of the reason why I don't play football/soccer. However, there is still hope.

I would make exception if and only IF I am playing with a team that has teamwork, talents, fun, and listen to my orders. Yep, a team like what is shown below would be perfect. Real PERFECT. I would sign up immediately.


So, Where Do I Sign Up?


  1. I'd sign up for that too :-P

    But yeah, soccer sucks. Basketball is more fun. High five!

  2. u might never know, things might get worst than wat u expect leh~ coz once female gets furious, they are really damn fierce

  3. I want to be the last teams manager!!!!

  4. really like to view yo blogs...keep up the good work...Thumbs up Benard !!

  5. like to view yo blog...keep up the good work ^^ Thumbs up Benard

  6. you are twisting everything around !! :D

  7. joyfulchicken: Who wouldn't...=p

    Yeah, Basketball all the way.... wooohoooo.

    LukXiuFung: more place left... =p

    yipguseng: Well, I am willing to take the risk then... =p

    It's a risk I shall take... =p

    3POINT8: No vacancy left....=p

    alice: Thanks....

    levian: Hohohohoho...

    宝茹: **Unroll eyes** =p


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