Somehow I felt that this is a post long overdue. Anyway, am on leave (Got quite a lot of leave to clear as am only allowed to bring 6 days leave forward to 2011, so trying to take leave every chance I get) hence the existence of this post. Sumimasen my two loyal readers, my bad. Ahem~~~ So, ladies and gentlemen and kiddies. Today's post is on Male and Female differences or maybe should be Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Yours Truly am actually quite experience in this matter so that qualifies me to actually give a piece of my mind and also on behalf of all boyfriends out there. Before that, let me tell you one male and female differences that relates to this post. Female tend to think a lot. A hell lot of thinking going on in their brain contained in their little skull. This may and may not be a bad thing but when it comes to situation that is going to be mentioned in this post, it can be nerve wrecking and brain cell damaging. Men on the other hand, is a simple creature. Given the ...