
Showing posts from October, 2010

Rajang Lounge OktoberFest Promotion

So, yours truly went to Rajang Lounge a few days ago and tried out the Oktoberfest Promotion where one can drink and bring back a 3 pint mug which is a huge ass mug in case you don't comprehend. Ahem~~~ Anyway, lets the pictures do the talking aye? Lately the brain juice seems to dry up for long elaborated posts. So till the brain juice well fills up, all ya gonna get are pictures and more pictures...... =p OktoberFest Promotion  The Deco Hanging Thing The Beer The Nuts The outside view The Mug's Box The Mugs So there you have it, Pictures taken last Sunday of the Rajang Lounge OktoberFest Promotion..... Should be every Sundays for the month of October. I think.

To Format or To Troubleshoot

To format or not to format, that is the question. Over the course of the years, yours truly have been fixing countless PCs and Laptops and so far there has not been a case where yours truly cannot fix. (Of course if the hardware is broken then that is a different story). And no, this is not a post to self brag mmmkay. =p Just to express that the skills and knowledge if not updated will become obsolete and again the same old saying, "Learning continues until you are six feet under". Back to the focus of this post. To format or not to format. To troubleshoot or not to troubleshoot.  There are some so called "experts" who somehow thinks that only amateur or those who don;t know their stuff would resort to formatting PC or Laptop if there are any software related problems. These so called "experts" somehow have the mentality that the "expert" and "professional" way is to troubleshoot the software problem and find a solution to it rather...

Good Photography is Not about the Gear, It's About the Story

Yeah right....... With out proper gear, how can one tell the story efficiently? Only with a decent gear can one tell a good story. That being said, a good gear will enable you to tell a better and efficient story. Kapish? This guy here mentioned that with just mere Iphone, he can capture a photo worthy of a story. So, the gear doesn't matter eh? Try to see if at that point of time you got a Nokia 7650 (the first nokia camera phone) and take the same photo. Would it still describe the same story? Not about the gear.... Yeah Right... Yours Truly says, it's about the gear and the story and the luck..... Kapish... =p And by the way, Iphone costs around RM3K here. One can get even a Nikon D3100 with that kind of pricing. Not about the gear my fragrance bottom.... Ahem~~~


Right, so attitude is very important in life. Agree? No? This would be a series of career/work related posts that should be useful. At least what yours truly thinks. There are a lot of unemployed graduates especially local graduates and lots has been said on why is it that local graduate are not marketable and doesn't have the quality or skills required. Previous post on local graduates' quality if you wanted to know what yours truly think about that. So, here I am again on the old but relevant topic. I believe the foremost important aspect to focus on would be the attitude. Attitude towards life and attitude towards work/career. Your attitude will be the determining factor that determines how successful you will be in your life and career. Of course the know who is very important also in Malaysia..Ahem~~~. So what actually defined as the correct attitude? Everyone would have his or her own definition aye? In yours truly opinion, it is the following: Being Responsible: ...