
Showing posts from May, 2010

Traditional Remedy for Menstrual Pain

Alright, before I continue. Let's make something clear. This might or might not work for you. So, try this at your own risk. Kapish??? Anyway, a while ago my significant other half complained of menstrual pain so terrible she wished or rather swear that if she gets to choose her gender in her next life, she would never ever ever choose to be a female. Ever. Hmmmm, being a female has its perks I would say. Lots of em. Like how they can manipulate guys into doing what they want or "blackmail" their way through and etc. Anyway, I am digressing. Back to the topic. So, there she was cringed with menstrual pain and then somehow she managed to convince me into cooking a traditional dish, a soup that so called have the effect of lessen the menstrual pain. Before I go further, let me illustrate my cooking skills. It ain't that bad but it is not exactly good either. If you want me to prepare a 3 course meal, most probably you will get eggs in all of em. Cooked in ways you can...

Kuching's Highest Peak Conquered

Well, went to conquer Kuching's Highest Peak In case you don't know where, it is Mount Penrissen which is 4360 feet above sea level. The only or shall I say most easily accessible route to Mount Penrissen is through Borneo Highlands Resort . Shouldn't be no problem right, some of you might be thinking as previously I did post that I conquered Mount KK . Mount KK also no problem, what is Mount Penrissen right? Wrong. That was a few years ago when I was fit. Ahem. Now with extra fat, it is a wonder that I managed to complete it. Yes, now I am beaming with pride that the fatty me still am quite "fit". Lets get on with the pictures.  Mount Penrissen from Hole-13 Borneo Highlands Resort Golf Course  View halfway of the climb  Takar Buru- The last stop before the peak  Going up  View from the peak  Pitcher Plant  Leech  Centipede  Pano View Halfway up  View halfway up  View from the peak View from the peak again There y...

Self Improvement

I am not sure about others but self improvement is very important. Don't get lazy or too comfortable to neglect that aspect. Like what Steve Jobs (if I am not mistaken) said, " Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry". Education is a lifelong process, one should strive to learn to gain knowledge until the day you are six feet under. There can never be such thing as knowing too much. (Well, if in the case of knowing some top secret shit confidential enough to cost your life- That is different) . Generally you will never know enough. Hence, one should strive to self improve every now and then. At least in your own specialized field. Don't stop learning and improving even though you are some big shots already. There are always lessons to learn in life that could prove to be useful. For those who are studying, strive to learn things outside what you are learning or even strive to learn more into the subject that you are learning. Need to be curious and thirst for knowledge which will ...


Each and every one of us are responsible for what we say, what we do, and how we influence others. Some might just shake it off that since the things/matter implicated are just of minor significance. Some even go to the extend of finding excuse of being irresponsible, be it professionally (as in work) and personally. If you are assigned a job by your boss regardless the nature of the work, strive to do it well and finish it with dedication. Complaining on how it is fair or not fair doesn't somehow magically completes the task but it would very much reflect on your attitude towards the work given. Of course there are some limits to the nature of the works that can be done. If you try and then cannot do the work given, at the very least you take the effort to try and not complaining on the works given without even trying. Work to try to solve the problem at hand instead of trying to do less work or do your own personal work. When you are employed by a company, it is your responsibili...

The Heart Knows No Hatred But Love

Yep It  Does ............................. Make  Love Not War .......... Peace