Anchovies Egg Omelette
Preparing and making food for yourself as fast as possible is vital to survive in this harsh cruel and fast paced world. Alright, maybe I have exaggerated a bit but the point here is making yourself something to eat which is simple and fast is an added skill when you are left to fend for yourself. So, when you are in a rush and everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you can try out the BenardCometh's Anchovies Egg Omelette. It's simple, fast and nutritious. Ok, maybe not really the nutritious part but its fast and delicious. That is the point anyway. Lets look at the ingredients needed for our Anchovies Egg Omelette cooking lesson today, shall we? Ingredients: Two eggs Anchovies Corn Flour Butter First of all, we need to prepare the anchovies and wash em. Clean the little fish to prepare it for stir-frying. Heat up the pan on the stove and put some butter in it. Yes, I like to cook with butter rather than oil and yes I know it is very fattening and...