It's quite disturbing that the females are the ones to be blamed for rape cases as according to some people, rape only happen because the females are the one that encourage rape. Shocking? Apparently this some people also added that it is due to the way the females dress and present themselves that makes rapists aroused and hence leads to the rape. Even more unbelievable is that, the some people even gives analogy of the fish and cat. So, blame the females is equivalent to blame the fish in the analogy sense. It goes like this, if you dangle a fish in front of a cat, for sure the cat is going to eat the fish. As simple as that. The same goes for some buffoon that says, if you put a piece of meat on the street, definitely the cats or dogs are going to eat it. Oh yeah, blame the fish and meat then. Oh my GOD . How can people be so ignorant? Now, let's looks at the fish and meat case. First of all, lets say you dress the fish or piece of meat up the cat would still eat it. Correct...