
Showing posts from June, 2008


MEDITATION IN PROGRESS Do Not DISTURB Jedi Doggy in training Ohm~~~~ Ohm~~~~ Ohm~~~~ Ohm~~~~ The Force is Strong in this little one says ............................ ........... ..... ... . . . . . Master YODA Source: Google image ............................. Meditate He Will. Strong He will Become . & CUTE of course MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU LITTLE ONE

Google Online Promo 2008

Greetings, This is the friendly and lucky resident lucky guy at BenardCometh Revelations taking over for this notification post. What notification? Well, there is this scam Google Online Promo 2008 that I have just won. Very the lucky me. I am not called the resident lucky guy for nothing ya know. The details are as follows: from Google Online Promo 2008 reply-to to date Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:52 AM subject Attn: Googler, your email address just won (CONGRATULATIONS) mailed-by 11:52 AM (7 hours ago) Reply Attn: Googler, GOOGLE ANNIVERSARY GIVE-AWAY WINNING NOTIFICATION!!! This E-mail is to inform you that you have emerged a winner of£500,000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds) in our online Give-away 1Oth year Anniversary draws.GoogleUK has successfully organized for the second time a Cash Give-Away marking 2008 10th Anniversary in the UK. Over £20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million British pounds) is to be given out for thi...

Causes or Motivation for Rape

***OMG, I am a damn copycat. Meow~~~~.... Wait a minute. No, I am not. I did give proper credit to where it is due. So, NOT a copycat but a uncopydog. A very handsome uncopydog. Woof.. . (Forgive my lame attempt at cracking a joke. I had to. It's that spontaneous moment kind of thing.) *** Instead of blaming the females , let us analyze what are the causes or the motivation for rape. Lets see the types of rape before we continue any further shall we? Rapists are said to be motivated by anger, power, and sadism. First up is the anger rape. Anger rape Anger rape is characterized by physical brutality with the rapist using far more force than is necessary to subdue the victim. The experience for the offender is one that is of conscious anger and rage. He/she expresses his/her rage both physically and verbally upon the victim during the attack. His/her aim is to hurt and debase his or her victim. He/she often shows his/her contempt through abusive and profane language. The anger rapis...

Blame the Females

It's quite disturbing that the females are the ones to be blamed for rape cases as according to some people, rape only happen because the females are the one that encourage rape. Shocking? Apparently this some people also added that it is due to the way the females dress and present themselves that makes rapists aroused and hence leads to the rape. Even more unbelievable is that, the some people even gives analogy of the fish and cat. So, blame the females is equivalent to blame the fish in the analogy sense. It goes like this, if you dangle a fish in front of a cat, for sure the cat is going to eat the fish. As simple as that. The same goes for some buffoon that says, if you put a piece of meat on the street, definitely the cats or dogs are going to eat it. Oh yeah, blame the fish and meat then. Oh my GOD . How can people be so ignorant? Now, let's looks at the fish and meat case. First of all, lets say you dress the fish or piece of meat up the cat would still eat it. Correct...

Video of The Puppies

Did not manage to really get the video while Tinkerbell is giving birth but I am sure it's not a pretty sight. Anyway, here's the video of the puppies . Enjoy. (The best part is at the end. =p) Puppies

Puppies Alert

The story begins with my sis getting a mixed chi hua hua named Princeton. Now, this Princeton is one horny dog that always tried to hump anything that crosses its path to satisfy his insane lust. As can be seen in the video in the post Mating Season . Anyway, the last straw came when this Princeton even tries to hump Lucky . Scared that Princeton might turn gay, my sis desperately looks for a female dog for Princeton to hump rape make love to. And for your information, Lucky is a healthy male terrier. So, Princeton and Lucky are always together with Princeton ever ready to wait till Lucky let his guard down to start the humping plan as can be seen in the Men's Best Friend post. So, my sis got a female miniature pinscher or popularly known as a MinPin with the name Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell is to be the sacrifice humping-mate wife of Princeton. At first, Princeton is quite skeptical and still tries to hump Lucky but as time passes, he begins to give attention to Tinkerbell. Then...


You have got to be kidding me. Came across this when filling in a registration form. Gender- Male, Female, Doubt. (Doubt?????? ) Doubt your gender? Fear not for Yours Truly is here. BenardCometh Revelations Instant DIY Gender Checker 1st step Go to the toilet (If there's no toilet, go somewhere private) (Please, for the love of GOD don't do this in public) 2nd step Strip naked 3rd step Look south (down) 4th step Check and Confirm by cross-checking the result of your findings to the chart below (Bear in mind that this chart is found at the cradle of civilization, so that means that this chart have always been used as a reference since ancient times. So the accuracy is undeniable.) ......................................................... .................................. ................ ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultimate Gender Reference Chart Reveal thy gender 5th step Double confirm again your gender with the above chart 6th step Always ask for a second opinion ...


***Yours Truly am back after wrestling control from those resident weirdos who claim that they are from BenardCometh Revelations.*** This is quite interesting. There are times where people would be very particular about spellings as if it meant everything. Not to mention grammar and stuff, of which Yours Truly am not really that good at the mastery of the English language as proven in the learning English in Kuching post. Anyway, back to the focus of the post. I got this in email and found that it is quite interesting to read. It shows that spellings doesn't really matter in a way. Of course professionally spellings are very very important okay? So, master your spellings. Read the followings and see if you can read the paragraphs. fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uin...

Selamat Hari Bapa aka Happy Father's Day

Greetings, This is your local resident act-filial son at BenardCometh Revelations wishing all fathers Happy Father's Day especially to his father who doesn't even know that this post exists. Filial-nyer. Selamat Hari Bapa kepada semua yang digelar bapa di dunia ini daripada BenardCometh Revelations. Semoga sihat sejahtera selalu. (No, this is not a Bahasa Malaysia translation from the above paragraph.) So, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY SELAMAT HARI BAPA Wallpaper

Multi Level Marketing aka MLM Chronicles

Greetings, This is the cheerful and friendly resident MLM analyzer at BenardCometh Revelations. I will be handling posts regarding all that are MLM. I am sure almost all of you are familiar with Multi Level Marketing aka MLM or at least exposed to it at one point in your life. If you never heard of it then good, stay away. Especially ones that requires you to recruit members or so called down lines in order to profit more. Speaking from experience, undergraduates seems to be the most easily manipulated. It's quite ironic in the sense that undergraduates are suppose to be more educated and able to have that critical thinking mindset. Guess that education does at times makes one dumber. Greed is after all the main cause of downfall. Have you ever been asked to attend an outing where you ended up in some MLM seminar where there seems to be some kind of cult going on? People being over friendly all of a suddenly until it is quite freaky? Or even people in suits all over listening t...

Pork Rib Dish aka Pai Gu Wang

Greetings, This is the friendly resident chef of BenardCometh Revelations taking over for this post in order to reveal to all of you the heavenly secret of making a heavenly dish. This time around, you all will learn how to make delicious irresistible Chinese Pork Rib dish or known as " Pai Gu Wang ". (Pardon me, my Muslim friends. This is a traditional Chinese dish that uses pork as the main ingredient. However, you can always replace the choice of meat to beef or even chicken. The texture won't be the same but the flavor is.) Just to show you what you will be making, here's a picture for you to get motivated. Pork Rib aka "Pai Gu Wang" Don't drool all over now. In just a few simple steps, you will learn how to make the pork rib dish yourself. It is very easy to make and I will try to make it easier by making a graphical how-to. The ingredients needed are: Pork Soy sauce Onion Garlic Sesame seed Pepper Corn powder/Corn flour Frying powder Pineapple Toma...

BenardCometh Revelations 1st Anniversary

Time really flies. (if that is the case and if the saying,"Time flies when you are having fun" rings true then it shows that I am having fun? or am I not?) Almost forget that this month is the 1st year anniversary for BenardCometh Revelations. Yes, Yours Truly will not just stick to a mere day for the anniversary but will take the whole month, the month of June as the anniversary because the specific day celebration for anniversary is popularized by all of you mere mortals hence the need for a whole month as indication for BenardCometh Revelations to show uniqueness. (Yeah right, in another words this yours truly forget when exactly is the date he starts his first post.) I first started to churn out posts on a wordpress platform at the Alpha and Omega Revelations. Then I moved on to blogspot/blogger since it is way easier to remember my log in and password as it is connected to my gmail account. It tends to get quite confusing if like me, you have hundreds of online accounts...

Happy Duan Wu Jie aka Rice Dumpling Festival

Well, tomorrow is the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese Lunar calendar which indicates that it is " Duan Wu Jie " aka Rice Dumpling Festival. From the name, it is obvious that Rice Dumplings or " Zong Zi " are eaten during this festival. That is why it is called the Rice Dumpling Festival. Well, there is quite an interesting story behind the festival of which I have already posted last year in the post titled " HAPPY RICE DUMPLING FESTIVAL aka DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL ". Go read and be enlightened. So, now you know the story. Intriguing huh? Anyway, BenardCometh Revelations are going to show all of you how to make the Rice Dumpling aka " Zong Zi " yourself. D.I.Y yo. Before that, I need to clarify that I am not the one who makes the rice dumplings. Todays How-To is a courtesy of my grandmother. She makes the best food I ever tasted, not to mention the best rice dumplings. (Well, I would know how to D.I.Y rice dumplings after this. Same goes...