
Showing posts from February, 2016

Vijay Mallya Story

Ok, so yours truly saw a story on Facebook about this Vijay Mallya guy and searched for it on the Internet.  Somehow the story sounds a bit not rational but anyhow if you are interested to know who is this Vijay Mallya guy then click on this Vijay Mallya Wikipedia link . Never heard of the story? Curious? Here, let the resident storyteller enlighten you~~~ An Indian man walks into the New York City bank and asks for the loan officer.  He tells the Loan Officer that he was going to India for some business for 2 weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The Loan Officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan. So the Indian man hands over the keys and the documents of the new Ferrari car parked on the street in front of the bank. The loan officer consults the president of the bank, produces all the required items and everything check out to be OK. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as a security for the loan. The bank president and the Loa...

Gout Natural Cure - Juice to try in order to remove uric acid crystals

The resident gout sufferer tried this and it seems to work wonders. So here goes the recipe. 1. Cucumber 2. Celery 3. Lemon 4. Ginger Blend all Drink 2 times a day Then thou shall be cured..... Hopefully..... At least to lessen the pain...... If it doesn't work..... At least it is healthy... There~~~